(Note: I am writing this without having re-watched any of the episodes. First impressions only.)
1. The 12th Doctor himself is growing on me over the course of the season. As he should be. He seemed very uncertain about the role to begin with, but possibly that was intentional. He remains irascible and grumpy, but in The Caretaker, despite this, he was far more likeable than in Robot of Sherwood. For me, his finest moment today… Will be something I come to later.
2. Clara is much, much better this year. As she becomes more Northern, she develops more personality. She also gets loads to do.
3. I like Danny Pink (but harbour theories about where the arc might take us) and Courtney was surprisingly good too.
4. I am intrigued about Missy.
5. Unsure why we have to spend so much time at Waterloo Road...sorry, Coal Hill. I hope the next companion actually travels with the Doctor.
6. Moffat is, I believe, trying hard to counteract accusations of misogyny. He's being more or less successful with some slips: Kill The Moon (OK, he didn't write it) aces the infamous Bechdel test and is the first episode this year to realise the Doctor doesn't have to insult Clara's appearance to prove he doesn't fancy her.
7. Proper scares: especially Listen and this week's spider things.
8. Time Heist is more fun than Who's been since, ooh, The Unicorn and the Wasp? Speaking of which, The Caretaker equals The Lodger in terms of quality.
9. The argument between Clara and the Doctor yesterday is one of the best moments yet and Capaldi's face when he sees he's pushed her too far is his highlight thus far. My first reference point was Resurrection of the Daleks, but really it's episode 4 of The Massacre. This is how Peri should've left.
10. Listen upends Who mythology like The Doctor's Wife before it. Nothing has actually changed since, so it gets away with it.
11. Although I remain on the fence about the season's earliest episodes, I'm saying this year we haven't had a duffer yet. That's already more hits than series 7 managed.
So, on the whole - bravo.
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